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Church Fact Sheet


  Praising Jesus, loving all and sharing the faith  

Harrowgate Hill Methodist Church

Denomination: Methodist

We are a busy worship centre as part of the Darlington Methodist Circuit in Lowson Street, Darlington.
Extensive ancillary premises hosting a multitude of church based, community and social groups throughout the week.

There is a warm welcome for all, regardless of age, gender, ability and beliefs.

Lowson Street is just off North Road between the White Horse and Thompson Street junction near the pedestrian crossing and the Co-op convenience store. There’s a regular bus service from the town centre and adequate street parking nearby.

There are many groups meeting during the week. We have a lively ladies group that meeting on alternate Thursday evenings, three House Groups, a Craft Group, a Banner making group and lots of social events for all ages, abilities and religious beliefs or none.

Accessible premises

Our premises are fully accessible throughout the building with a hearing loop system in church.
A warm welcome awaits all those that join us for Sunday worship.

Our young people are not forgotten either. Apart from our uniformed organisations like Brownies, Guides, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorer Scouts, we have a Monday night fun group for children of 7 - 11 years of age called Splatt!.

Recently, all our Rainbows were old enough to become Brownie Guides, so there’s a waiting list before the Rainbow group can start up again!

There is also a group for the 11+ age group that meet on Sunday evening called Renew. They meet at Elm Ridge Methodist Church and enjoy lively bible study and worship enjoying a programme of social activities together. The children’s and young people’s groups are run primarily by our Circuit Youth Worker, Morvyn Sanderson with valued assistance from members of various congregations in the Darlington Circuit.

Please get in touch with Brian Simpson (the named contact below) if you would like to know more about any of our services or weekday activities. Please contact the minister for baptisms, funerals and wedding enquiries.


Church Address and Web Site:
Address: Harrowgate Hill Methodist Church
Lowson Street
Darlington. DL3 0EY
WebSite:  -
E-mail:  C/o
Sunday Services:
10.30am: Worship and Preaching Service
(1st Sunday of month is at Bondgate Methodist Church)
6.00pm: Worship and Preaching Service
Weekday Services/Activities:
9.00-12.00 Pre-School group (in term time) Annexe
12.30-3.30 Pre-School group (in term time) Annexe
4.15- 9.00 Toni’s Academy Dancing Class Annexe
7.30- 9.30 Northern Voices Choir Church
6.45 – 7.30 Monthly Prayer Meeting Choir Vestry
9.00-12.00 Pre-School group (in term time) Annexe
12.30-3.30 Pre-School group (in term time) Annexe
4.15- 8.00 Toni’s Academy Dancing Class Annexe
7.30 – 9.30 G. A. Lounge
7.30 - 9.15 Explorer Scouts Main Hall
8.00-10.00 Banner Group Banner Room
9.00-12.00 Pre-School group (in term time) Annexe
12.30-3.30 Pre-School group (in term time) Annexe
6.15- 7.30 Brownies Annexe
9.00-12.00 Pre-School group (in term time) Annexe
7.00- 9.00 Guides Annexe
6.00 – 8.00 Craft Group (Alternate weeks) Lounge
7.30 - 9.00 Thursday Group (Alternate weeks) Lounge
9.00-12.00 Pre-School group (in term time) Annexe
6.30 - 7.15 Beavers Annexe
6.30 - 7.15 Cub Scouts Main Hall
7.30 - 9.30 Scouts Main Hall
7.30- 8.30 Choir Practice Church
10.00 - 12.00 Coffee Morning (1st of month) Annexe
12.00 - 2.30 Monthly Lunch (2nd of month) Annexe
10.00 - 12.00 Birthday Coffee Morning (3rd of month) Annexe
10.30 - 11.30 Morning Worship Church
1st Sunday of each month is at Bondgate Methodist Church at 10.00 a.m.
6.00 - 7.00 Evening Worship Church
2nd Sunday of each month rotates with Elm Ridge and Cockerton Churches
7.00 - 8.30 Renew (young people’s group, meeting during term time) Elm Ridge Methodist Church
Contact One:
Name: Mr Brian Simpson
Church Steward
3 Idaho Gardens
Darlington. DL1 2RG
Tel: 01325 264145
Contact Two:

(Church Office 01325 362388)
